“How to Authentically and Sustainably Grow Your Business" on the Storyhouse podcast with Lindsay Hotmire


Darrell appeared in the first episode of the Storyhouse podcast with Lindsay Hotmire.

Lindsay is the founder and Chief Storymaker at Storyhouse Fifteen, where she helps good humans and smart business owners rewrite their stories so they can grow and pivot with clarity and confidence.

Their conversation covers leading companies, growth, avoiding burnout, and team building.

“It’s been an interesting journey for me to try to figure it out because I didn’t have the context of being an entrepreneur. Nobody was pushing me in that direction where I came from. What it looked like to be successful was to either go to school or to get a trade and work a good job. And the entrepreneurs in that area were just people who maybe weren’t making great money and weren’t taken seriously. So I just had no context for it.”

— Darrell Vesterfelt

Listen to the full podcast

Darrell Vesterfelt

Darrell is the Founder and General Partner at Mount Haley and started the firm in early 2021. He lives in Stillwater, MN.

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